
1 journal article and 7 conference papers

Journal Articles

  • Jee-Young Sun, Seung-Wook Kim, Sang-Won Lee, and Sung-Jea Ko, “A novel contrast enhancement forensics based on convolutional neural networks,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 63, pp. 149-160, 2018.

Conference Papers

  • Jee-Young Sun, Seung-Wook Kim, Sang-Won Lee, Ye-Won Kim, and Sung-Jea, “Reverse and Boundary Attention Network for Road Segmentation,” to appear in ICCVW 2019.

  • Jee-Young Sun, Sang-Won Lee, Ye-Won Kim, Bo-Sang Kim and Sung-Jea Ko, “A Deep Interactive Segmentation Method with User Interaction-based Attention Module and Polar Transformation,” to appear in ICMV 2019.

  • Seung-Wook Kim, Sung-Jin Cho, Kwang-Hyun Uhm, Seo-Won Ji, Sang-Won Lee, and Sung-Jea Ko, “Evaluating Parameterization Methods for Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-Based Image Operators,” in CVPRW 2019.

  • Jee-Young Sun, Sang-Won Lee, Mun-Cheon Kang, Seung-Wook Kim, Seung-Young Kim and Sung-Jea Ko, “A Novel Gastric Ulcer Differentiation System Using Convolutional Neural Networks,” in CBMS 2018.

  • Sang-Won Lee, Sung-Ho Chae, Sung-Tae Kim, Bo-Sang Kim, Yoon-Jae Yeo, and Sung-Jea Ko, “Extra supervision using hierarchical contextual auxiliary loss,” in ITC-CSCC 2018. pp.870-871.

  • Dae-Hong Lee, Sang-Won Lee, Seo-Won Ji, and Sung-Jea Ko, “Display-Adaptive Tone Mapping Operator Based on a Retina Response Model,” in ICEIC 2018, Jan 2018.

  • Hyong-Keun Kook, Sueng-Wook Kim, Sang-Won Lee, Young-Hyun Kim, and Sung-Jea Ko , “Object Detection with Multi-Scale Context Aggregation,” in ICEIC 2018, Jan 2018.